Monday, September 11, 2006

5 Years later

I realized something today driving back to my house. 9/11/01 was a day that united a divided country against a common enemy, specifically fear and terrorism. Now, five years to the day, we sit divided. The Democrats want the Bush administration out. The Republicans want the Democrats to shut up. The Libertarians, well, I'm not sure, but my guess is they want something. People seem to forget ( and I don't mean that they can't recollect their whereabouts, or the date, or even what happened) about 9/11. The feelings all of the survivors (that means everyone that did not perish in the attacks) had that day were probably some of the strongest any of us will ever feel. The fear, the anger, the hurt, the disgust, the sorrow, and the worries all seem to have passed by the memory of many. The song by Toby Keith "Angry American" soon became a resounding feeling of many Americans. Lee Greenwood's "God Bless the USA" came into a whole new light. PEOPLE FINALLY HAD REMEMBERED WHAT IT MEANT TO BE AN AMERICAN. It is sad to say, in five short years, we as a whole are headed straight back down the path to another attack. If there is one (of many) truth I have learned in my short time on this earth it is this. If one (nation, person, group, etc.) is trying to demonstrate to others that it is RIGHT and JUST and encourage the support and following of others, the quickest ways to dillute the message and encourage dissenters is through a lack of unity. It is unfortunate, but the same Bill of Rights that allows me to post on this page, also allows smart mouthed (fat ass ::cough:: ::cough::) unpatriotic, shitbag, hollywoodians (and washingtonites) to dissent on an international stage (::cough:: ::cough:: Hanoi Jane you piece of shit). If we cannot align behind a common shield, we will all be vulenerable. It was once said, "We must all hang together, or surely we will hang seperately". I find not time in history that this is more applicable than right now. With that I will sign off for the evening.

NEVER FORGET 9/11/2001



To the victims, rest in peace, you will never be forgotten by true Americans
To their families, stay strong, it will never be easy, but we must never shake in the face of danger.
To the heroes (lost and still around) Thank you. This nation owes you such a debt of grattitude.

And lastly but surely not least, To the VERY under recognized men and women from flight 93. Thank you. Your amazing acts of courage while staring death and a frightening and insane enemy in the face saved many many other innocent lives. Many unknowingly owe their lives to your bravery and again we cannot thank you enough.

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